
Learn how to set up Efento NB-IoT sensors to send the data to your ThingsBoard instance

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From this tutorial you will learn how to set up a simple Flask based Python server, which receives the data from Efento Gateway and saves it in PostreSQL database

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Efento CoAP loader receives the data from Efento NB-IoT sensors over CoAP protocol and forwards it to your application using REST API. It can also be used to remotely configure the sensors. Learn how to integrate Efento NB-IoT sensors to your platform using the CoAP loader.

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In this example we are going to write a Python script that will set up a CoAP server, listen to the messages from Efento NB-IoT sensors, parse them and save in a PostgreSQL database. We will also add a two way communication and send messages to the sensor.

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This quick tutorial will show you how to configure Efento sensors with IoT Creators provides connectivity (powered by Deutsche Telekom) and a server platform that receives the data from IoT devices over any of the popular IoT protocols, translates it to REST messages and pushes it to any third party application.

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In this tutorial, we will demonstrate how to parse the data sent by Efento sensors in Bluetooth Low Energy advertisement frames.

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This tutorial will show you how to configure Efento sensors with the Daizy platform. Place Efento devices in your project, generate installation tasks, pair with a SIM and securely connect to the platform. Daizy enables enterprises to scale IoT deployments and easily consume data via webhook, MQTT, REST API or a range of other integrations.

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In this tutorial we will show how to connect and configure Efento NB-IoT logger with a pressure transducer. The same algorithm can be applied to any other type of 4-20 mA sensor

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